Friends Christian School is committed to improving the student experience both in and outside of the classroom. With that in mind, we are excited to welcome back the Friends Fun Run – with the goal to help fully fund our campus renovations project list before the next academic school year! Elementary School students will enjoy a bubble run and Middle School students will enjoy a color fun. Throughout the day community vendor booths will offer games and select food items (both for free and for purchase). All families are welcome to attend!
The FriendsFun Run will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, on the Middle School field.
Register Your Student – Simply follow the four steps on the prize letter to register
Pledge – Encourage family, friends, and neighbors to partner with us and make a per-lap or flat-rate donation so that we can continue to fulfill our schools’ mission.
Volunteer – We need your help to make this event a success. Opportunities are available prior to the event, the day of, and after.
The last day to turn in flat-rate pledges (cash and checks) is 3 pm on February 7th. All online pledges are due by 11:59 pm on February 9th. Our goal is to have 100% student participation and each student earn 6 points ($150) in a combination of per-lap pledges or flat rate pledges. All checks submitted must have student’s name in memo